6 Reasons Why You Should Use Facebook Ads To Drive Traffic To Your Affiliate Blog Post
I’ve used just about every single method in the book in order to drive traffic to my affiliate offers. More recently, I’ve been fascinated at the ease of learning how to drive traffic to your affiliate blog post due to how cheap you can get this traffic.
I believe that every single business should have a blog for their business, and this method capitalizes on exactly that.
Many marketers shy away from this method because it causes one to use a little bit of thought into their work. Unfortunately most marketers will start something new, but stats show that only 10% get results, and that is mainly because they do not follow through and complete their tasks.
After you read these 6 reasons of why you should use Facebook Ads to drive traffic to your affiliate blog posts, you will then be part of that 10%.
Affiliate Commissions
Who doesn’t love free money!? That is what affiliate marketing feels like. You can be walking in a store buying your favorite soda, go home, eat, and take a nap. After waking up, you just decided to check your email.
Out of nowhere you use this weird email stating that you have a commission, or that someone paid you a large sum of money. What is that about?
So you click the link to see what it is…
Congrats! It’s a commission!
You didn’t even do any work in order to make the commission!
Affiliate marketing can be quite rewarding because you do not have to produce any products or provide any customer service. In my opinion, this is why affiliate marketing is the king of passive income and why I recommend for every single business owner out there.
Now, you ad Facebook Ads to this already proven business model of affiliate marketing, and it is like adding fuel to a large fire. It will blow up!
In this case, you will be adding tons of affiliate links in your blog posts.
Add them on your side bars, sprinkle them throughout your blog post itself, add some opt-ins to your headers and footers, etc. After you have done this, sit back, smile, and tap yourself on the should because you just completed a huge task!
Now you have content that will be working for your while you’re going about life.
After the content is created, you will then add some traffic to your awesome blog post that is fully optimized for the reader that happens to fall on this specific webpage. With Facebook Ads, you will do this with the “traffic” objective.
We’re not looking for conversions here, so you do not want that objective at the moment. You simply want to target your audience that is your ideal customer, and drive those individuals to your blog posts.
Everything else will take care of itself.
Eventually, you will notice all of the benefits of running Facebook Ads to your blog posts. There are so many! Too many to just explain in this one section.
So check out the rest of the reasons below!
Cheap Traffic
Perfecting Facebook Ads takes time but that is not a reason to be scared of them. Facebook ads is like any other paid platform out there. YouTube, Bing Ads, Google Ads, Toboola, it’s all the same. It takes practice to perfect.
Luckily, with Facebook Ads, the learning curve is much smaller when driving traffic to your blog post. In a matter of 2 days, I was fortunate to only have to pay .07-.10 cent per landing page for a specific blog post that had affiliate links in them.
In another case, I paid as much as .40-.50 cents for a different blog post in order to get brand new readers on my website in hopes that they would take advantage of my offers and opt-ins. This was much higher than the previous results above, but does that mean it’s bad?
Definitely not!
I actually started out paying upwards to .70 cents per landing page view with that second article. The more I test, the better my ads work. Either way, with some very minor changes in my ads, I would still pay the .50 per landing page view all day in order to drive highly targeted traffic to my monetized blog post.
Just think, one of my worst ads with those very same results means that I was able to get 100 people landing on my blog post (not just simply clicking my ad) and checking out my content for approximately $50!
Now that you have the ideal customer on your page for a cheap price, it is your job to make sure that you have a killer blog post that makes your readers take action.
Building Audience With traffic Like Bob the Builder
This is probably one of the biggest benefits to running traffic to your blog post. There isn’t a monetized value to building an audience with traffic to your blog post, but you will definitely see the difference in ad campaigns monetarily!
Anyone who has been involved with Facebook ads and has tasted a little bit of success with it, they all will tell you that creating ads that are targeted to specific audiences is the main key to a working ad. You
can have great ad copy, a fantastic picture in the ad, and a great offer. However, if your ad is not targeting the right people, your message is not going to resonate with the right people.
When your message does not resonate with the right people, 2 things are going to happen right away. You are going to not get any conversions or any clicks to your campaign, and because Facebook will see that the users are not having a great experience with your ad, your costs will go sky high pretty quickly.
When you run traffic to your blog posts, it doesn’t matter how much you pay for that needed information. Your job is to get as many people to your blog post as possible and as quickly as you can because Facebook allows for you to create something called a Custom Audience of the individuals who land on your blog post.
Once you get about 100 landing page views, create your custom audience of all of those who read your blog post. Now you have a super-laser targeted audience for all of your future ads and you don’t have to guess with audiences anymore. This is your to keep and it will not change.
That tip I just gave you is worth A LOT OF MONEY!
Builds relationship With Seller of Affiliate Product
AntonioXCarter.com is everything having to do with making money online, specifically affiliate marketing. Any type of content I put out on this website, no matter the subject, will most likely have affiliate marketing woven in it in some form of way.
To me, every business should incorporate affiliate marketing with their business model, and having a blog is one of the elements that I push business owners to have in order to effectively do affiliate marketing.
Though I recommend that all business owners have blogs, my website will not be solely based on blog posts and improving, just so you can simply have a better blog post.
In this case, we’re talking about driving traffic to your blog post so that you can take advantage of the people reading your content in hopes that you affiliate links in order to drive huge commissions with the smallest amount of effort on your end.
When doing this method of affiliate marketing, you have the chance to build a strong relationship with the creator/seller of the affiliate product. Why does this matter? The owner may be able to increase your commission rate higher. If you were originally getting 30% commission but relationship helped the owner raise your commission to %50, wouldn’t you say that is worth it? Of course!
Sometimes this could even results in a JV with the owner of the affiliate product. Perhaps you guys can do a webinar together and drive more sales. There are so many possibilities that come from out of having a relationship with the owner that you would not have if you didn’t make the connection.
Why would someone want a strong relationship with an affiliate marketer?
Because you have the power to drive sales at will, which in return helps them make more money! If you’re able to effective will the power of driving traffic to your blog post with Facebook Ads that has affiliate links and you get 1 sale a week for a month, throughout the year, people will notice you.
They will not only notice you, but they’ll love you!
Now imagine if you’re able to do this for a product and you’re able to get a sale once per day! Now do you see why someone would desire to build a relationship with you? In return, these commission offers can be custom made to suit your desires as you continuously bring results. I’ve seen people win brand new cars, cash bonuses, etc.
I’m not saying that you have to be texting and on the phone all of the time, but you will at least have the opportunity to communicate on a first name basis if you fully take advantage of this route.
It’s a win-win!
Traffic To Blog For More Authority
You just cannot go wrong when it comes to learning how to drive traffic to your blog with Facebook Ads.
There is really no negatives behind it as long people are landing on your blog posts. Fine-tuning and funneling that traffic to a specific results is something that can be worked on later.
As your traffic grows, both paid and free traffic, more people will develop trust with you as they get familiar with your content. The more people that get familiar with your content and brand, the more AUTHORITY that you will grow in your market of business.
You will notice that as you draw up a strategic content plan, you will have traffic coming from all over the place. I have a YouTube channel, I have a few blogs, I have some Facebook Ads out there and I even have a few Facebook groups out there that helps me drive traffic.
Over time, more people will begin to notice you as the subject matter expert in your market/niche.
People will begin to contact you and take advantage of your offers, and you will profit from that.
On the other hand, if you’re just really have a hard time doing all of these things to drive that consistent traffic to accomplish this, Facebook Ads is definitely a way to go.
In driving the ads, you will take advantage of all of the points that I am touching on in this blog post. It may take some time for you to actually know what you’re doing, but that is ok. As I said before, I believe on having goals, testing, and eventually getting to the destination that I desire…with Facebook Ads.
Ranks Website on Google and Other Search Engines
I previously touched on how you can gain authority because of learning how to properly drive traffic to your blog post. This post is a direct correlation to gaining authority.
We have discussed a lot of things pertaining to traffic. With authority, your website now gets weighted amongst the search engines so you can really grow in organic traffic as opposed to paid traffic.
Before we dabble in this a little more, let’s backtrack a little bit.
If you were to drive traffic to your blog posts using nothing but free methods and not paid methods, you can get results. As a matter of fact, your results may even be more targeted! The real question is do you
have the time, resources and energy in order to continuously develop tons of great content to drive that free traffic? That is the main downside of free traffic methods to grow your blog readers and viewers.
This is why mastering paid traffic is so powerful. Instead of taking one to two years to grow your results, you can now do this in a matter of months to one year.
Google, as well as other search engines, take a while to recognize your website and blog posts. The more attention your blog posts get during a period of time, the more noticeable your content becomes.
Imagine if you rank one article on the first page of google where the keywords brings a ton of traffic a day. You’re talking about 100s of free views on your blog post every single day. You just need one, and that will literally pump so much life into your business. Now, imagine getting multiple blog posts ranked!
The time in which this can happen can be shortened by at least 50%-75%., if done properly. Paid ads is not necessary, but it is something that should be seriously considered in your business at some point.
The sooner, the better!